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What’s new in Farmer’s Weekly?

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 07:42 Mon, 29 May 2023

What’s new in Farmer’s Weekly? | News Article
FOTO: Noel McShane/Pexels.

Agri Western Cape has launched a simplex radio frequency, registered with the Independent Communication Authority of South Africa (ICASA), to provide farmers with a means of communication independent of power supply or cell phone reception.

Farmer’s Weekly editor Janine Ryan says the system allows farmers to call for help wherever they find themselves in the Western Cape.

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The organisation admitted that the system has its limitations and that the range of communication is unfortunately determined by the environment. However, despite this, any high-frequency radio, regardless of brand or model, would be able to communicate with other farmers in the area on the registered channel.

All farmers in the province are encouraged to have the frequency installed on their radios, thereby establishing a strong online communication network where they could support each other in emergency situations.

Another story takes a look at the table grape industry. Ryan adds that table grape production is down in almost all regions due to unpredictable factors such as unexpected weather patterns, problems at the port of Cape Town and load-shedding.

Volumes packed for export, declined 24% in the Northern provinces, about 16% in the Orange River region, 14% in the Olifants River region and 14% in the Hex River Valley.

The Berg River is the only region where the volumes were higher than originally anticipated.

Furthermore, the total area under production declined from a peak of about 22 000 hectares in 2019, to about 20 500 hectares in 2022.

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