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Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:00 Fri, 08 Jul 2022

Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM | News Article

Ons kyk nou na jou week in die landboubedryf. OFM-nuus se Elsabé Richard-May lig nou die hoofstories op OFM vandeesweek uit.

Sien onderstaande PODCAST

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Free State says three positive cases of Foot-and-Mouth disease (FMD) have been confirmed in the province. The department says in a statement one case has been reported in Marquad while two cases have been reported in Viljoenskroon. All farms have been placed under quarantine after Chief State Veterinarians were notified about possible signs of FMD. The department says all these outbreaks are a continuation of an outbreak that was first reported in March this year which started in the North West. MEC Thembeni Nxangisa urges farmers and the farming community at large to refrain from moving animals and buying animals from auctions. Farmers should remain vigilant and report any signs and symptoms that may be suspicious to state veterinarians.

Alhoewel Julie-maand nie so intens koud gaan wees soos voorheen voorspel is nie, kan Sentraal Suid-Afrikaners hulself hierdie week voorberei vir lae temperature. Nadat ‘n frontale stelsel gedurende die naweek oor Kaapstad beweeg het, het ‘n sogenaamde somerstelsel begin ontwikkel wat ‘n wolkmassa oor Namibië, dele van die Noord-Kaap, Vrystaat en die Noordwes ingedruk het. Johan van den Berg, ‘n onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, sê egter hierdie is nie reënwolke nie. Wat reënvooruitsigte betref sê Van den Berg Korttermyn-weervooruitsigte, wat Augustus insluit, toon nie dat reën in Sentraal Suid-Afrika verwag word nie.

A visit to North West farms by parliamentary committees found that farm workers were not being paid the minimum wage, while others lived in terrible and deplorable conditions. The South African reports that the visit was conducted by the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, as well as the Committee on Employment and Labour this weekend. The committees conducted a joint oversight visit on farms in the Matlosana Local Municipality on the living and working conditions of farmworkers, farm-dwellers and labour tenants. The committees found that on some farms, workers were being underpaid and not being compensated for overtime work, while on other farms, workers lived in shacks with no water, electricity, or sanitation.


Die prys van petrol en diesel het weer styg. Volgens Paul Makube, Senior Landbou-ekonoom by FNB, kan verbruikers nou tot R25,53 per liter vir diesel betaal. Hy voeg verder by dat produsentepryse onlangs vinniger as die verbruikerspryse versnel het. Dit weerspieël die impak van die toenemende kostedruk, wat voortspruit uit 'n kombinasie van brandstofpryse en beperkte beskikbaarheid van sekere insette as gevolg van die globale voorsieningsketting-bottelnekke. Die krisis in wêreldwye ru-oliehandel duur voort met 'n voortslepende oorlog tussen Rusland en die Oekraïne, en gevolglike produksie-uitdagings in Libië.


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