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Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:30 Fri, 03 Jun 2022

Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM | News Article

Ons kyk nou na jou week in die landboubedryf. OFM-nuus se Elsabé Richard-May lig nou die hoofstories op OFM vandeesweek uit.

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Die vermindering van die brandstofheffing bring wel tydelike verligting, maar dit is nie voldoende om die sektor se volhoubaarheid te verseker nie, sê Bennie van Zyl, hoofbestuurder van TLU SA. Landbou.com berig vanaf 1 Junie sal dit sowat R1 875,20 kos om ’n bakkie se tenk vol te maak. Brandstof vir ’n trekker wat sowat 25 liter per uur gebruik, sal sowat R8 000 per dag kos, en vir ’n 300 kW-stroper sal dit R16 000 per dag kos. Indien daar vir ’n maand lank ses dae per week gestroop word, sal dit dus sowat R352 000 kos om te stroop. Van Zyl sê dit plaas boere steeds nie in ’n posisie dat hulle ongehinderd volhoubaar kan produseer nie, want die insetkoste van veral brandstof en kunsmis maak dit bykans onmoontlik om winsgewend te boer.

Agri SA welcomes the signing of the Agriculture and Agro-processing Masterplan by Minister Thoko Didiza and sector stakeholders. Agri SA says in a statement that this occasion marks the culmination of years of negotiation and consensus building throughout the sector, and is a testament to a shared commitment to the success and growth of the agricultural sector. Farmer's Weekly editor, Janine Ryan, says the plan takes a holistic view of the sector and addresses wide-ranging issues from land reform and infrastructure to working conditions on farms and social security for workers. 

Die vraag na alternatiewe olie soos kanola- en palmolie het intussen toegeneem weens die hoë sonneblomoliepryse. Daarmee saam voeg Heleen Viljoen, ’n landbou-ekonoom van Graan SA, by dat die oorlog in die Oekraïne ’n onderliggende rol in die pryse vir sonneblom speel. Viljoen deel dat daar wel oor die afgelope maand ’n afwaartse tendens in pryse vir sonneblom was, maar dat sonneblompryse steeds histories hoog is.


The impact of recent floods in Durban, which destroyed infrastructure and interrupted trade activity, will likely be reflected in the second quarter trade figures. This is according to Wandile Sihlobo, the chief economist at the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa, Agbiz. He explains that the first quarter of the year faced similar constraints to the past quarters such as delays at the ports and rail, and deteriorating road infrastructure. In the first quarter of the year, the approach for agriculture was to engage in more coordination with Transnet, agriculture industry groups, and transport organisations, which helped improve the flow of information about various challenges and functions at the ports. This was specifically true for the Port of Cape Town, where there were long delays at the start of the year due to numerous infrastructure constraints and weather-related difficulties.

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