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Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:30 Fri, 27 May 2022

Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM | News Article
FOTO: Verskaf.

Ons kyk nou na jou week in die landboubedryf. OFM-nuus se Elsabé Richard-May lig nou die hoofstories op OFM vandeesweek uit.

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Suid-Afrikaners word uitgenooi om op 16 en 17 Junie vanjaar aan ‘n virtuele staptog teen plaasaanvalle en –moorde deel te neem. Volgens Bennie van Zyl, TLU SA se hoofbestuurder, is die plan om binne 24 uur virtueel 6 065 kilometer te stap. Hy sê 6 065 plaasaanvalle en 2 182 plaasmoorde is sedert 1990 aangemeld en dat TLU SA streng werk volgens saaknommers om statistieke te bepaal. Elke kilometer wat gestap word verteenwoordig een van die plaasaanvalle. Besoek stapsaam.co.za om te registreer en deel van hierdie virtuele staptog te wees.

The Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform in the Northern Cape is in the process of establishing a blended financing program. This is aimed at addressing the challenges faced by farmers who are unable to gain access to funding in the province. The department's spokesperson, Zandisile Luphahla, explains that the blended funding program will consist of funds that the department will put aside to assist farmers who have great business proposals and show viable business strategies to be able to run a profitable agricultural enterprise. Furthermore, MEC Mase Manopole is embarking on a province-wide District Makgotla, which is aimed at addressing challenges faced by farmers, especially women, youth and people living with disabilities.

Die Vrystaatse Sambreel-brandbeskermingsvereniging, in samewerking met ander belanghebbendes soos die Vrystaatse Departement van Landbou, het op Donderdag 26 Mei 'n veldbrand bewusmakingsdag gehou. Dit volg nadat veldbrande in die Vrystaat, Noord-Kaap sowel as Noordwes verlede jaar duisende hektaar weiveld verwoes het. Johan Breytenbach van die brandbeskermingsvereniging sê veldbrande het oor die afgelope drie jaar aansienlik toegeneem.


Sufficient progress is being made in resolving reported critical equipment challenges, and the Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) team continues to work closely with its Original Equipment Manufacturers. This is according to OBP in a statement. It adds that as a further contingency measure and within its Original Equipment Manufacturers production protocols, it is also evaluating alternatives, in order to ensure that when the vaccination season commences, the industry has vaccines available. Meanwhile, OBP has reaffirmed its commitment that a minimum of 20 000 African Horse Sickness (AHS) doses will be available in the red zone as requested by the industry. Dr MacDonald Gayakaya, a state vet in Kimberley in the Northern Cape, previously told OFM News that there are four zones recognised in South Africa for the control of AHS, and the Northern Cape is one of these zones.


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