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Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM

───   05:30 Fri, 01 Apr 2022

Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM | News Article
Fuel prices in South Africa are set to increase again in April.

Ons kyk nou na jou week in die landboubedryf. OFM-nuus se Elsabé Richard lig nou die hoofstories op OFM vandeesweek uit...

Die oppervlakte- en tweede produksieskatting van somergewasse vir die 2022 produksieseisoen, toon dat die geskatte mielie-oes 10% kleiner as die 2021-oes is. Volgens die Departement van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling, gaan die drie belangrikste mielieproduserende gebiede, naamlik die Vrystaat, Mpumalanga en Noordwes na verwagting 82% van die 2022-oes produseer. Die departement sê verder dat die hersiene oppervlak onder witmielies 1,575 miljoen hektaar is, en vir geelmielies is die oppervlak 1,048 miljoen hektaar. Die produksieskatting van witmielies is 7,570 miljoen ton, 0,46% of 34 450 ton meer as die 7,535 miljoen ton van die vorige skatting.  Die derde produksieskatting vir somergewasse vir 2022 sal op 26 April vrygestel word.

ALSO READ: #Agbiz: Fuel price set to increase further

Fuel prices in South Africa are set to increase again in April. Fuel is an important input for the agricultural sector and accounts for between 11 and 13% of grain input costs. According to Wandile Sihlobo, chief economist at the Agricultural Business Chamber, the underpinning driver of the fuel price increase is the rising Brent crude oil price on the back of the current geopolitics, disruption in oil production in the Middle East and supply constraints that existed before the intensification of the Russia-Ukraine war, amongst other factors. He says that on 6 April, South Africa's petrol and diesel prices will likely increase by R1,93 and R2,96 cents per litre, respectively. Sihlobo adds that while this fuel price uptick will increase farmers' input costs, it, fortunately, comes at a quiet period in the summer crop-producing areas where the crops are still maturing.

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Rolspelers in die lewendehawebedryf werk hard daaraan om te verhoed dat bek-en-klouseer verder versprei. Die virussiekte is verlede week in Noordwes en Limpopo bevestig, nadat dit ook in KwaZulu-Natal aangemeld is. Francois Knowles, registrateur van die Landbouprodukte-agenteraad, oftewel APAC, sê bek-en-klouseer het die potensiaal om ‘n ekonomie op sy knieë te bring as dit nie onder beheer gebring word nie.


There was a decline of 6 000 jobs in the agriculture sector in the Free State during the fourth quarter of 2021. This was made known by Agri SA, following the release of the employment results for the fourth quarter of 2021 by Statistics South Africa. The organisation adds that 19 000 jobs were shed in the Western Cape, while 9 000 jobs were shed in Limpopo. However, various other provinces showed growth in employment numbers for agriculture, with employment in the sector increasing by 38 000 jobs quarter-on-quarter, from 829 000 jobs in quarter three to 868 000 in quarter four of 2021.

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