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#ChildTragedies: Child amongst those who died in Kimberley accident

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 12:15 Sun, 14 Nov 2021

#ChildTragedies: Child amongst those who died in Kimberley accident | News Article

A tragedy has hit a family of three following a road accident in Kimberley last night.

According to the Northern Cape Emergency Medical Services (EMS) spokesperson, Martin Mofokeng, a father, mother and their child died on the scene following the tragic incident last night. 

He tells OFM News that two Polo vehicles collided head-on near the Kimberley Correctional Centre on Schmidtsdrift Road.

Mofokeng says people from the other vehicle also suffered injuries and were rushed to a hospital for urgent medical attention.

READ: Multiple-vehicle collision on N1 leaves one dead

Videos and pictures of accidents did the rounds on social media last night. 

This accident has since drawn widespread attention and concerns from social media users, who expressed their sadness after the accident. In the video, one vehicle is seen in huge flames whilst onlookers watch in terror and dismay. However, the fire brigade later extinguished the fire.

It's not yet known if the police in that area have launched an investigation following the accident.  The victims are also yet to be identified.

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