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Agri News Podcast: DA condemns 'plague of farm attacks'

───   11:53 Tue, 07 Sep 2021

Agri News Podcast: DA condemns 'plague of farm attacks' | News Article

The DA in the Eastern Cape has strongly condemned what it said was the continuing plague of farm attacks in the Sarah Baartman District.

MPL, Bobby Stevenson, was commenting on the murder of 55-year-old dairy farmer, Werner Buchner, who was killed on his farm in the Nanaga area on Sunday night. His wife, Estelle was also injured in the attack, while Buchner's 30-year-old son was also shot. Stevenson says this was the third farm attack in the province in the last three weeks, with the two others in the Hankey District in August.

Mining operations have become the backbone of numerous towns in South Africa, and as a result, many people are dependent on these operations to continuously make a living. But, what happens when the mine closes its gates? Buyambo Mantashe, Business Development Manager at Agri Enterprises, has figured that agriculture can be the solution to these mining towns, because the fundamentals of these two sectors are extremely related and can ensure sustainability. Mantashe shared that at Agri Enterprises, they specialise in strategic solutions in agriculture and across the value chain, and that this was one of the possible solutions that they’ve looked into in order to help save and preserve jobs and livelihoods in mining towns, should mining operations come to an end there. Mantashe further explained that “the nexus between mining and agriculture for the economic development of mining towns, is often understated".


The Department of Environmental Affairs has welcomed the hefty sentences recently imposed on three rhino poachers. The men were convicted and sentenced last week on two counts of poaching rhino at Kruger National Park, three counts of hunting rhinos and also for being in possession of an illegal firearm and ammunition. Department spokesperson, Albi Modise, says the men, including a Mozambican national, were each sentenced to between 30 and 40 years in jail on the various charges in the Skukuza Regional Court.

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