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'Poor service delivery a major concern in FS'

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 12:27 Tue, 11 May 2021

'Poor service delivery a major concern in FS' | News Article

Corruption, cadre deployment, and the lack of service delivery are amongst key issues still plaguing the Free State.

According to the Freedom Front Plus’ Devar Smith, consequences for mismanagement and corruption should be the number one priority, in order to improve the lives of residents. 

Speaking to OFM News regarding his recent resignation from the Provincial Legislature, Smith said he left his position as a Member of the Provincial Legislature (MPLs) but is still active in the political sphere as he believes more still needs to be achieved in the province to address these challenges.

“For too long, officials and politicians have been enriching themselves to the detriment of the residents in the Free State. The upcoming municipal elections provide an opportunity for residents of the Free State to bring about change,” he highlighted.

Smith has served as an MPL since 2019 and tells OFM News he resigned due to personal circumstances. His position has now been filled by Armand Cloete, who previously occupied the position of a Permanent Delegate to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

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