Weak demand for maize could lead to lower exports─── NOMAQHAWE MTEBELE 16:18 Fri, 28 Jul 2017

Weak global demand for white maize could lead to lower exports than previously predicted.
According to Agbiz’s, Wandile Sihlobo, South Africa should export about 4 million tonnes of white maize.
However, current predictions are at 2.2 million tonnes, which will leave a large carry-over stock. Sihlobo says this is based on the National Crop Estimate Committee’s revised production estimate of almost 16 million tonnes.
According to Agbiz’s, Wandile Sihlobo, South Africa should export about 4 million tonnes of white maize. However, current predictions are at 2.2 million tonnes, which will leave a large carry-over stock. Sihlobo says this is based on the National Crop Estimate Committee’s revised production estimate of almost 16 million tonnes