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No suspension of Namibian cattle import requirements

───   16:24 Wed, 30 Nov 2016

No suspension of Namibian cattle import requirements | News Article
Photo: Sabrina Dean/OFM News

Bloemfontein - South Africa has not suspended import requirements that require cattle entering the country from neighbouring Namibia to first be screened against bovine tuberculosis.

This is according to a statement issued by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries following a meeting between Ministers from Namibia, as well as Swaziland. 

It states that claims by Namibian authorities that the country is TB free could not be scientifically proven.

Cattle from Namibia intended for slaughter or feedlots in South Africa, therefore need to comply with certain criteria. These include that the animals showed no sign of bovine tuberculosis on the day of shipment and that they are not being eliminated as part of an eradication programme against bovine tuberculosis.

Cattle also need to come from a herd free from bovine tuberculosis or undergo a tuberculin test for bovine tuberculosis with negative results during the 30 days prior to shipment.

An agreement to this effect was signed following the meeting on November 24.

Source: Statement

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