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Today, 19 years ago, P.W Botha appeared in court for refusing to testify at TRC

───   12:56 Mon, 23 Jan 2017

Today, 19 years ago, P.W Botha appeared in court for refusing to testify at TRC | News Article
OFM News/Photo: findpik.com

Former, South African president, P.W. Botha, appeared in court in George, Western Cape, for refusing to testify at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

Botha's case was postponed for a later date to allow the lawyers to study the documents, which were handed over by the TRC.

Botha was asked to testify after it was found by the TRC that he had ordered the bombing of the South African Council of Churches headquarters in Johannesburg.

He was fined and given a suspended sentence for refusing to testify. He appealed his sentence and won when the court found that the notice he was served with to appear before the TRC had been technically invalid.

Source: South African History Online

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