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#OFMArtBeat - Lockdown fueled Arno Carstens' creative fire

───   09:13 Thu, 11 Mar 2021

#OFMArtBeat - Lockdown fueled Arno Carstens' creative fire | News Article

For most musicians the pandemic has gripped their industry to the point of suffocation. Arno Carstens has been creating art for the last 10 years but says that lockdown has fueled his creativity and has helped him to find his inner artist again.  

He says that fans need to hold onto their paintbrushes as musicians can't wait to show how they have evolved during this time of restriction and uncertainty. In the Art Beat Arno also talks about his love for painting and the classes he attends every Monday. Take a listen to the podcast below. 

To view his art visit https://www.facebook.com/arnocarstensart and to find his latest music visit https://www.facebook.com/arnocarstensmusic

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