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#OFMKidsCorner - Yoshi the sea turtle with a world record

───   08:39 Mon, 18 May 2020

#OFMKidsCorner - Yoshi the sea turtle with a world record | News Article

We meet a celebrity sea turtle who has a world record for swimming from Africa to Australia after spending 20 years living at the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town.

You've definitely heard of Yoshi - she's the amazing loggerhead turtle that was released from the Two Oceans Aquarium two years ago and has gone on to become an international celebrity - her ocean journey since release has become the longest-ever recorded journey of any tracked animal ever. 

Yoshi is currently steaming ahead with her incredible record-breaking journey and is a mere 66 kilometres off of the Western Australia coast. This officially puts Yoshi in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Australia - which is a great place to be, as she is now protected under Australian law which places a strong emphasis on sea turtle conservation. This is also the first time Yoshi has officially visited a country outside of Africa - her passport now gets an Australian stamp right next to South Africa, Namibia, and Angola.

She has travelled 37 000 kilometres in the 26 months since her release in December 2017. Throughout her journey, Yoshi has averaged and maintained a swimming distance of 48 kilometres per day. The latest tracking data shows that she has slowed down slightly and is now clocking in at about 46 kilometres per day. With the very real possibility of the battery in Yoshi's tag running out soon, we are incredibly excited that Western Australian conservation and research officials are on standby to meet her if she nests on one of their beaches - an amazing opportunity for her satellite tag to be replaced so that we can all continue to follow her amazing migration. 

Whatever Yoshi decides to do, she has truly become the world's greatest ocean ambassador who has softened the hearts of everyone she has encountered, from the Japanese fishermen who handed her in at Cape Town for care back in 1997 and the millions of people who saw her at the Two Oceans Aquarium, to the growing community of scientists and passionate people across the globe that have been following her over two-year journey at see - it's easy to see why Yoshi is the greatest turtle of all time!

I spoke to Maryke Musson the CEO of the Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation who is one of Yoshi's best friends about this incredible achievement. Take a listen here. 

Here is the video of Yoshi's release two years ago, such a special moment for her. Take a look. 

All photos used with the permission of the Two Oceans Aquarium. 


#OFMKidsCorner - Yoshi the sea turtle with a world record:

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