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Zimbabwe records 13 SA-linked #Covid19 cases

───   07:19 Thu, 02 Jul 2020

Zimbabwe records 13 SA-linked #Covid19 cases | News Article

Zimbabwe has recorded 13 new coronavirus (Covid-19) cases linked to South Africa, state media reported on Wednesday.

Daily newspaper The Herald reported that 17 new cases of coronavirus infection were reported on Tuesday, the majority of which were from quarantine facilities, bringing the total number of known cases in the country to 591.

Thirteen involved returnees from South Africa and one from Botswana, while three others were local transmissions. 

According to the daily, one of the cases confirmed as a local transmission had had contact with a known confirmed case, and investigations were underway to establish the source of infection for the two other local transmissions.

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) reported that a total of 11 new recoveries had been recorded, bringing the total number of recoveries to 62 and the number of active cases to 421.

Zimbabwe has recorded seven Covid-19-related deaths.

A total of 67,755 Covid-19 tests have been conducted, of which 30,711 were diagnostic tests, while the remaining were rapid tests done for screening purposes.

According to the broadcaster, the bulk of Zimbabwe’s Covid-19 cases have been returnees from the region and abroad. All returnees were quarantined upon return until they had satisfied all testing measures as outlined by the World Health Organisation.

Elsewhere, on June 26, the National Emergency Command Centre in Lesotho said it was investigating reports that Zimbabwe had recorded four Covid-19 cases imported from Lesotho.

Lesotho was the last southern African country to record Covid-19 cases and to date the country has registered 27 Covid-19 cases, including four recoveries.

Meanwhile, independent newspaper NewsDay reported that the Zimbabwe Nurses Association (Zina) has accused the government of neglecting Mpilo Central Hospital nurses who contracted Covid-19 in the line of duty and were now quarantined at the Elangeni Training Centre in Bulawayo.

According to a report in the newspaper, at least 13 nurses at Mpilo recently tested positive for Covid-19.

On May 28, 197 health workers at the hospital were placed in self-isolation after a colleague tested positive for coronavirus.

Zina president Enock Dongo told the newspaper that the conditions at the quarantine centre where the nurses were staying were inhumane.

They reportedly used cold water for bathing and were poorly fed, among other inadequate provisions.

According to the newspaper, as of last week, at least 184 returnees had fled quarantine centres because of inhospitable living conditions and a lack of food, among others.

African News Agency

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