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#Coronavirus: Third Covid-19 death in Zimbabwe

───   07:49 Fri, 10 Apr 2020

#Coronavirus: Third Covid-19 death in Zimbabwe | News Article

Zimbabwe has recorded a third death from the coronavirus (Covid-19), local media reported.

Independent daily NewsDay reported that the third victim succumbed to Covid-19 barely 24 hours after the country’s second victim died on Tuesday.

The Ministry of Health and Child Welfare in Zimbabwe was quoted as saying the third victim was a 50-year-old man who had recently travelled to the United Kingdom (UK) and had returned to Zimbabwe on March 21.

The victim was tested by the assessment team and confirmed positive on April 2. He was subsequently admitted to Wilkins Hospital's intensive care unit on April 7 after his health deteriorated.

He died the following day, according to the NewsDay report.

The 50-year-old was the country’s ninth patient to test positive for Covid-19.

Earlier this week, state-owned newspaper The Herald reported that Zimbabwe’s second death from the coronavirus came from the city of Bulawayo.

The deceased was a 79-year-old man who died after being admitted to hospital for pneumonia.

The deceased had not travelled outside Zimbabwe. However, he had reportedly visited a tourist resort in Hwange early last month.

A statement by Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Childcare that was quoted in The Herald said the patient first consulted his own doctor on March 23, complaining of a sore throat and fever.

When his condition did not improve with the oral antibiotics that were prescribed to him, he was admitted to hospital in Bulawayo last week.

His symptoms included a cough, difficulty breathing, a sore throat and fever.

His contacts are now being traced by the authorities in Zimbabwe.

The first person to succumb to Covid-19 in Zimbabwe was well-known broadcaster Zororo Makamba, 30, who was also being treated at Wilkins Hospital, which has been designated as the main isolation facility for coronavirus patients in Zimbabwe's capital, Harare.

Makamba had visited New York in February and returned to Harare on March 9.

African News Agency

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