Healthy Living
Boost your bust─── 12:30 Thu, 25 Jun 2015
Exercises to perk up your chest.
As teenagers many of us would have uttered the words, "I must, I must, I must improve my bust" as we clenched our hands together in time to the words. But when you get older, and your boobs are firmly there, it's another bust-related challenge we face; gravity.
Our boobs are made up of fatty and fibrous connective tissue, which give them size and shape. And while exercise won't make them bigger, it can perk them up. This is done by working your pecs, which lie under breast tissue.
Here are five simple breast-boosting exercises for you to try next time you work out.
Lying chest fly
For this you'll need two dumbbells. Lie on your back with hips and knees at a 90-dgree angle (so you look like you are sitting on an invisible chair). Using your abs, press your back into the mat and bring your arms towards the ceiling, drawing the dumbbells in to face each other.
Open arms again and lower to floor in an outward motion. Bring arms in again, over the chest. Repeat 12 times.
Bent-over reverse fly
This time do the fly standing up. Feet should be shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Weight should be kept forward, bending at the hip joint. With a dumbbell in each hand, start with arms in front of you, palms facing forward. Lift arms to the side, keeping palms facing out, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Lower arms and repeat. Back should be kept flat and not hunched over. Repeat 12 times.
Start in a plank position, with arms and legs straight. Shoulders should be above wrists. Lower yourself gently, until elbows are bent and shoulders are in line with them. Push back up and repeat 10 times. Add a medicine ball under one arm for added difficulty.
Chest pass
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Holding a medicine ball to your chest, throw it upwards as straight and high as you can. Catch with straight arms and lower back to your chest. Repeat 20 times in quick succession. Make sure your abs are being worked too by pushing your back into the floor.
Chest stretch
Kneel down, sitting on heels with your arms behind you and palms flat on the floor (fingers should face away from you). Press your hands into the ground, while stretching your chest high and arching your back. Hold for 30 seconds.
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