Good News
Thaba Nchu women pray for God’s mercy on Highway of Death - PHOTO GALLERY─── 16:58 Fri, 16 Nov 2018

A group of women gathered for prayers in the mountains at Thaba Nchu yesterday.
The Women's Manyano of Thaba Nchu Circuit, under the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, overlooked the notorious N8 route between Thaba Nchu and Botshabelo where they again asked for God's mercy on accidents that occur on this route.
At the beginning of the year, these mothers also ascended this mountain to ask God to guide them as they were to host a District Convention in April this year and they also prayed for God to protect those travelling along the N8.
Yesterday they ascended the mountains again to thank God. These prayer warriors also lamented to God about the behaviour of their children and grandchildren who have been victims of drugs, especially at this time when the government has legalised dagga.
They pledged to continue praying for the nation, churches and fewer road accidents, especially with the festive season approaching.
OFM News
Ministers Mahlomola and Ayanda Mokuena, his wife on the right, accompanied the group.
OFM News