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‘I love speaking about things that help people better their lives’ – Pulane Nel-Sekepe

───   14:34 Tue, 26 Mar 2024

‘I love speaking about things that help people better their lives’ – Pulane Nel-Sekepe | News Article
Pulane Nel-Sekepe is a radio and television presenter, actress, and producer.

“I think I just love speaking! I especially love speaking about things that help people better their lives and motivate them to be better than they were before.”

Pulane Nel-Sekepe is a radio and television presenter, actress, producer, and the founder of Saliwe Productions.

“From a very young age, I loved performing in front of people. I guess I’ve just always had an attraction to trying out being different people or different things in terms of acting and characterising,” said Nel-Sekepe.

“My purpose has always been fun and joy. Suppose I can make people smile or laugh, or just make people feel good for the time they are watching or listening to me. In that case, I’ve achieved what I wanted,” she added, emphasising her motivation for entering the entertainment industry.

Pulane Nel-Sekepe. Photo: Facebook

As a presenter and producer, Nel-Sekepe finds fulfilment in the behind-the-scenes work of organising and planning productions, Justine Fortuin from Bloemfontein Courant reported. “I love the organising of the productions, the planning of it, the talking about what we are going to shoot, what this is going to be about beforehand, and coming up with the concepts,” she shared.

“I think I just love speaking! I especially love speaking about things that help people better their lives and motivate them to be better than they were before.”

According to her, one memorable project that reaffirmed her passion was a show that she did about finances… “The impact of those discussions really had such a great impact on my life. And I realised that if other people listen to those conversations, it could have a great impact on them as well,” recalled Nel-Sekepe.

Reflecting on her career journey, Nel-Sekepe highlights significant milestones – from her early experiences in children’s theatre to her current roles in radio and television. “The next milestone was when I started my company, Saliwe Productions. I started that under the mentorship of Jennis Williams… He mentored me, showed me the ropes of running the business.”

Pulane Nel-Sekepe during her MC duties at the 2023 Bloemfontein Courant Best of Bloem Awards. Photo: Bloemfontein Courant, Gypseenia Lion

When asked about the challenges she faces in her career, she said there are a few.

“The public has this misconception about how much people on television and so forth get paid. Yes, the entertainment industry as a whole isn’t necessarily flooded with money. So there’s a real cap in terms of what your achievements can be – financially. Even if you reach the highest accolades in the industry, you won’t necessarily be compensated like someone who reaches the top in accounting or becomes a CEO.”

Looking ahead, Nel-Sekepe’s goals are ambitious yet grounded in her desire to make a meaningful impact. “I want to speak more publicly in a motivational sense, particularly to women. I want to help women navigate their lives… Ultimately, I hope to empower women to live full and motivated lives,” she shared.

For aspiring individuals seeking an entertainment career, Nel-Sekepe offered invaluable advice. “The first piece of advice that I would give you… is to make sure that you love it,” she advised. “Be patient, put in the work, do the groundwork, do the free work… Start in those spaces that demand humility,” she added, stressing the value of perseverance and humility in the face of challenges.

Nel-Sekepe said she feels like everything she’s currently doing is quite new and exciting.

“I’ve only worked at OFM for about a year, and I’m going into my second year as the host of the ‘At Lunch’ show every weekday. Initially I focused on finding my feet and my voice, so I’m excited to see what the next year brings,” she said. “I plan to be bolder with the content I deliver. I’m more familiar with the listeners in Central South Africa so I am more confident to step outside of everyone’s comfort zone.”

Nel-Sekepe is also enjoying her recurring role on “Binnelanders” which she believes balances nicely with her presenting work in Bloemfontein.

“My production company, Saliwe Productions, is also growing, and my husband has recently started working with me, which is exciting! Tian (Nel-Sekepe) brings a whole new side of creativity that complements my own, and I think we make a killer team. This will definitely change the trajectory of our company and the kinds of projects we’ll pursue, which will be very different, bigger and even better than what I’ve done in the past.”

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