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Bleak Christmas for Bloemfontein recyclers as Southern landfill site catches fire

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 16:30 Tue, 17 Dec 2024

Bleak Christmas for Bloemfontein recyclers as Southern landfill site catches fire | News Article
Recyclers look on as flames engulf the Southern landfill site. Photo: Kekeletso Mosebetsi

Recyclers and informal residents of the southern landfill site near Vista Park in Bloemfontein have been left destitute following a devastating fire on Tuesday (17/12), destroying their belongings and potential recyclables.

By late afternoon the fire, which caused massive smoke clouds over the surrounding area, remained a challenge to extinguish. Mangaung Fire and Rescue said conventional firefighting methods such as water cannot be used effectively at a landfill site.

Illegal squatters continue with their daily recycling at the Mangaung Southern Landfill site despite the fire. Photo: Kekeletso Mosebetsi.

Reports suggest attempts by municipal employees tasked with handling the blaze have been unsuccessful so far.

While the cause of the fire remains uncertain, some recyclers on-site claim the fire started small before spreading out of control. Nombulelo Austin (49), a recycler from Phomolong, alleged the fire was started by another recycler on the far side of the landfill.

Smoke could be seen rising from the Southern landfill site in Bloemfontein. Photo: Kekeletso Mosebetsi

“Some municipal workers came and tried to extinguish it but failed,” Austin said. “Now, we are hopeless. 

“This landfill is where we work to put food on the table, but it’s on fire. We have lost everything we collected for recycling.”

Temporary shelters housing some illegal land occupiers, clothes, and ID documents were destroyed, and those affected now face a bleak situation during the festive season.

Austin expressed the urgent need for help as many families cannot afford basic necessities.

“We are in serious trouble. We don’t even have food. If someone can help us with money to pay off lay-bys for our children or buy food, we would be very grateful.”

Bloemfontein’s Southern landfill site. Photo: Kekeletso Mosebetsi

While the fire continued to burn, concerns were raised about the lack of effective intervention. Security guards at the entrance claimed municipal workers left after failing to control the fire.

Despite the devastation, some recyclers continued their work in unaffected parts of the site, as they could not afford to stop earning an income.

Mangaung Metro trucks and tractors at the Southern landfill site. Photo: Kekeletso Mosebetsi

This is not the first time it’s been engulfed by fire. Last year the site was clouded by smoke when police heeded the community’s concerns about the safety and security at the Southpark waste site during the search operation organised by the metro and police.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi mvh

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