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Mental health of police officials to be prioritised

───   ZENANDE MPAME 13:29 Mon, 04 Nov 2024

Mental health of police officials to be prioritised  | News Article
Mental health of police officials to be prioritised. Photo: SAPS

More than 300 police officers have lost their lives through either suicide or murder in the past seven years.

Some 17.7% of police members have sought treatment for mental health issues, ranging from substance abuse and bipolar disorder, to depression and anxiety, according to the Polmed 2024 Mental Health report. Polmed is a medical scheme for police officers and their dependents.

Police leadership has noted the disturbing number of suicides among officers and is concerned about the rise in mental health issues.

Given the rise in crime and the historically high levels of stress, trauma, and violence that officers deal with, the problem of police mental health is especially urgent, said police and prisons union Popcru.

“We urge SAPS leadership, the Department of Police, and … stakeholders to prioritise the mental well-being of law enforcement officers by implementing urgent policy changes,” said Popcru National Treasurer, Thulani Nsele.

Rampant crime and violence place officers’ lives at constant risk, especially due to understaffing. “The psychological support they receive is completely inadequate, and current policies and systems often work to undermine mental health rather than protect it.”

Meanwhile, North West police are investigating a double murder and attempted murder after a police constable shot and killed his girlfriend and her male friend before turning the gun on himself at a house party in Lichtenburg on Saturday (2/11).

Friends were reportedly having a house party when Const. Lesego Phefo (28) pulled a firearm and started shooting. The officer’s girlfriend and another male, whose name is not yet known, were shot multiple times.

“The constable was found dead at the scene, with a gunshot wound to his head and a firearm close to his body,” said North West police spokesperson Adéle Myburgh. “The fourth victim was seriously injured and Emergency and Medical Rescue Services declared the trio dead on the scene.”

The union notes that debriefings should be made mandatory for all SAPS members who regularly encounter traumatic events or extreme stress, including senior officials and high-ranking executives, said Nsele.

For example, by making debriefings mandatory, SAPS can better ensure that all police receive the help they need without fear of being marginalised or penalised.

OFM News/Zenande Mpame cg

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