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CUT receives R2.4 million to clear graduate debt

───   MARK ZION 14:50 Fri, 25 Oct 2024

CUT receives R2.4 million to clear graduate debt | News Article
CUT receives R2.4 million to clear graduate debt. Photo: CUT/LinkedIn

Central University of Technology (CUT) historical graduate debts have been cleared through a R2.4 million donation.

CUT graduates from the Northern Cape were assisted by the Kgolo Community Development Trust to clear their academic debt. Enabling them to receive their qualifications.

One of the beneficiaries who studied Office Management was funded R223,000, “I am deeply thankful to the trust for clearing my debt. As it stands, I can proudly say I have a qualification,” said Dimpho Sechogela.

“I aspire to give back to the future generation of this country and especially to my hometown in Kuruman.”

Another beneficiary who studied Mechanical Engineering was funded R294,000 to clear his academic debt, and he was grateful to the trust for assisting.

“Next month, I will be accepting my first appointment as a graduate intern. And all I can say is thank you for a hundred times,” said Onthatile Gondwe.

“The difficulties students face are a concern for every parent, guardian, or citizen who cares about the country's future, especially considering that many students come from disadvantaged backgrounds,” said CUT Vice-Chancellor Prof. Pamela Dube.

‘The university launched a food bank to address food insecurity’

“This financial contribution represents a significant investment in our young people’s future and is a beacon of hope for CUT graduates from the Northern Cape.”

OFM News previously reported the university launched a food bank to address food insecurity for its unfunded students.

The food bank assists disadvantaged students with food and other essential needs, ensuring that no student goes hungry due to financial hardships.

Dube donated more than R182,000 to the SRC to launch the foodbank she earned as a speaker fee at the Humanity Summit in the United States in June.

“As a foundation, we are laying aims to continue to influence and impact communities meaningfully, because you need to understand all the time that whatever you do, you should be the light that impacts other people,” said Kgolo Community Development Trust member Dr Oupa Nkagisang.

From left to right: Onthatile Gondwe, beneficiary, Lumka Tshiki, and Dr Oupa Nkagisang, Kgolo Community Development Trust, Prof. Pamela Dube, CUT Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Milingoni Nemutshili, CUT Chief Financial Officer and Dimpho Sechogela, beneficiary.

 “A simple mantra that I always live by is when you give back you impact a person’s life, you’re impacting a far greater number of people who are dependent on them and can derive benefits from them.”

OFM News/Zenande Mpame mvh

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