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Free State Premier advocates for equal opportunities for emerging service providers

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 08:25 Tue, 24 Sep 2024

Free State Premier advocates for equal opportunities for emerging service providers | News Article
Free State Premier MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae conducted an oversight visit on unfinished projects in Mangaung. Photo: Facebook

“Ours is to unlock the financial institutions and make sure that they assist our people to grow.”

The Premier stressed that supporting new service providers would not only level the playing field but also contribute significantly to turning the Free State’s economy around. 

Her remarks were made during the closing session of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) visit, where incomplete infrastructure projects in Matjhabeng and Mangaung were a key focus.

The Free State Premier, MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae, said the provincial government’s commitment to giving opportunities to service providers without financial backing, aiming to help them grow and contribute to the local economy. She emphasised that her mandate to provincial executives is to prioritise the use of local service providers, ensuring that Free Staters are given a chance to prove their capabilities, regardless of their financial strength.

‘The provincial government must support local contractors’

“It’s not proper to say let’s close doors for others because our country and constitution won’t allow it. But at least let’s give people of the Free State a chance to perform, to prove themselves,” said Letsoha-Mathae.

She underscored that the provincial government must support local contractors, particularly those who lack financial muscle and resources, by unlocking financial institutions to help them grow.

Letsoha-Mathae criticised the monopolisation of industries, where a few companies have dominated sectors like road construction for decades without competing.

“Ours is to unlock the financial institutions and make sure that they assist our people to grow. We cannot have these companies since you were born, where there’s only one company making roads in the country to date.

“In this 7th administration, we should be able to say that we’ve had at least four companies in the Free State that have grown to a level where they can contest,” she added.

Letsoha-Mathae pointed out that new contractors face challenges when bidding for tenders, as they often have to hire equipment, which forces them to quote higher prices. In contrast, established companies, who have been receiving contracts for decades, can submit lower bids because they own their equipment.

She reiterated the importance of empowering emerging businesses to compete fairly with those who have dominated the industry for years.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi mvh

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