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NCOP concludes Free State oversight visit, calls improved service delivery

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 16:16 Fri, 20 Sep 2024

NCOP concludes Free State oversight visit, calls improved service delivery | News Article
EFF MPL Mapheule Liphoko. Picture supplied

“We want to see the executive doing its work properly and keeping up with the issues on the ground.”

The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) has wrapped up its five-day oversight visit to the Free State, learning of pressing issues affecting residents, particularly the lack of basic services in municipalities such as Mangaung and Matjhabeng.

The visit saw provincial legislature members (MPLs) and MPs voicing frustrations about these municipalities’ poor service delivery and infrastructure.

Throughout the week, the spotlight was placed on the failures of municipalities such as Matjhabeng and Masilonyana that grapple with crippling debt and incomplete projects. Political parties, including the DA, EFF, and FF Plus, demanded urgent action to address ongoing challenges.

NCOP chairperson Mapule Dhlamini. Picture supplied

During the Free State legislature sessions, EFF MPL Mapheule Liphoko expressed strong opposition to how the NCOP’s oversight role was being handled, calling for respect between the NCOP and MPLs.

Liphoko highlighted the importance of collaboration, warning against what he described as a “supervisor mentality” from NCOP delegates. “The issue of NCOP, which I must raise sharply, started sounding like some sort of an overseer of the legislative part of the Free State.

“That notion must be dealt with in the harshest way. We are equals in this house, and we have the same interest. No member of the NCOP should come here and tell us that they should conduct oversight over the entire legislature of the Free State.

Minor in-house issues

“That notion is wrong; we don’t take it lightly. It portrays the entire legislature of the Free State as people who are useless, not knowing what they are doing, in fact, lazy and not doing anything at all.”

Despite these concerns, NCOP chairperson Mapule Dhlamini emphasised that the NCOP worked well with MPLs during the oversight visit, and that minor in-house issues were dealt with appropriately.

Dhlamini urged the Free State’s executive leadership to take their responsibilities seriously and ensure they’re aligned with the issues raised during oversight visits, to improve communication and accountability.

‘Several abandoned projects in municipalities were highlighted’

“We want to see the executive doing its work properly and keeping up with the issues on the ground. It is important that information is shared smoothly during these oversight visits,” said Dhlamini.

One of the key focus areas of the NCOP’s oversight was infrastructure, particularly in water and sanitation.

Several abandoned projects in municipalities such as Matjhabeng were highlighted, and Dlhamini vowed the NCOP would take action against contractors who have left projects unfinished.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi mvh

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