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Budget Vote: Financial hurdles in Free State asbestos roofing eradication

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 07:27 Sat, 17 Aug 2024

Budget Vote: Financial hurdles in Free State asbestos roofing eradication | News Article
Human Settlements MEC, Saki Mokoena, outlined the financial challenges ahead. Picture: Screenshot

“Despite the substantial budget, progress has been non-existent with many households remaining the same.”

The Free State Department of Human Settlements is grappling with significant financial constraints in its effort to eradicate asbestos roofing across the province.

The project, which initially received R255 million, has recently come under scrutiny due to allegations of corruption. The controversial asbestos roofing project has been marred by the recent bail hearing of former officials, including Ace Magashule’s former PA, who is facing serious charges including fraud, corruption, and money laundering.

Asbestos roofing, a health hazard due to its link to lung diseases, has been a pressing issue since 36,000 homes were identified for remediation in 2014. Despite the substantial budget, no progress was made and many households remained the same.

While tabling his budget vote, Human Settlements MEC, Saki Mokoena, outlined the financial challenges ahead. He revealed that only 220 units have been revitalised so far as part of a proof-of-concept phase, which is critical for refining the project’s approach and ensuring its effectiveness. This initial phase has provided valuable insights into the process, but Mokoena stressed that substantial financial resources are still required to achieve full eradication.

During the tenure of Mokoena's predecessor, Ketso Makume, a target was set to remove asbestos from 2,000 homes within the 2023/24 financial year. However, this goal has seen limited success.

In the current financial year, the department has been allocated R25 million per five districts for the project, which Mokoena argues is insufficient for the scale of the project. He emphasised the need for both provincial and national government support to secure additional resources.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi cg

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