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Sanlam WOW Spelling Festival: Kimberley schools participate

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 11:10 Fri, 16 Aug 2024

Sanlam WOW Spelling Festival: Kimberley schools participate  | News Article
Learners from the Kimberley Islamic School who participated in the competition. Picture supplied

“Participating in a spelling bee provides a unique opportunity for students to build confidence. Competing in front of an audience helps them develop public speaking skills and reduces anxiety about speaking in front of others.”

The annual Words Open Worlds Spelling Festival sees more Kimberley schools joining in on the action.

The competition's main goal is to use words to broaden communities’ horizons. Words shape and form their various projects, and serve as the catalyst to identify, unlock, and develop the potential through which communities are empowered.

‘Spelling bees are an excellent way to enhance students’ language skills’

The Kimberley Islamic School will be one of the Northern Cape schools joining the competition for the first time. “Former English Teacher Shihaam Joemat entered our students into a spelling bee competition for several reasons,” said their English Home Language, Nasreen Paulsen.

“First and foremost, I know she believes that spelling bees are an excellent way to enhance students’ language skills. They improve spelling and vocabulary and foster a deeper understanding of language structure and usage.”


Awards ceremony after Circuit Rounds. Picture: Facebook

“Participating in a spelling bee provides a unique opportunity for students to build confidence. Competing in front of an audience helps them develop public speaking skills and reduces anxiety about speaking in front of others.”

This competition is the first of many that the school intends to participate in, to assist learners in setting goals and striving for excellence, reinforcing the value of hard work and perseverance.

The competition has four rounds, namely the circuit, district, provincial, and finally the national round, which will be held at Stellenbosch University. Schools will be participating in the district round this weekend (17/8) at Adamantia High School in Kimberley.

'Assist learners in setting goals and striving for excellence'

The Kimberley Islamic School has Grade 5–7 learners who entered the competition, and six students have made it this far in the competition.

Grade 5:

Anfac Ahmad in 6th position

Kaashifa Obaray in 1st position

Grade 6:

Riham Mahamud in 10th position

Faseegah Cader in 9th position

Ayaaz Toffar in 2nd position

Grade 7:

Amaarah Lavangee in 2nd position

The school intends on making it to the provincials after the upcoming weekend and hopefully into nationals.

OFM News/Casey-Lee Anthony cg

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