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Kimberley family uneasy after suspected killer’s second bail application

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 14:03 Wed, 07 Aug 2024

Kimberley family uneasy after suspected killer’s second bail application | News Article
Protestors at the last bail hearing for Mandy Bailey's suspected murderer. Photo: Facebook

“The support we received in the first bail application had a major impact on the outcome that the bail was denied.”

The suspected murderer of his ex-wife has applied for bail for the second time after his new advocate found “new evidence”.

His new bail application is being allowed with new evidence that the family is unaware of. They claim everything mentioned during previous court sessions was exact evidence of the events on 27 December 2024 when Alberto Matthews (45) allegedly murdered Mandy Bailey.

He will appear in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court on Thursday (08/08) to apply for bail the second time. His original attorney has since withdrawn from the case.

‘He again applied for bail which was denied’

Matthews appeared in court in January and initially dropped his bail application. However, on 7 May, he again applied for bail which was denied.

“It’s making us as a family feel very unsettled that this person has got so many rights in terms of wanting to be out on bail, and also denying that he had anything to do with the murder of my sister,” said Mandy Bailey’s sister, Ronelle Booysen.

The family also felt Matthews’ bail applications could be a delaying tactic as the case is supposed to be moved to the High Court for a trial.

“We need to put pressure on the judge in deciding that this person is a danger to society, firstly a danger to us because as we heard in the previous bail hearing he had 26 rounds of live ammunition with him and that he threatened to come back for us.” 

The family was placed in witness protection until Matthews was caught and taken into custody due to the severity of his threats.

“I think he’s going to come out of prison and then probably want to hurt us or hurt the witnesses who saw him doing the act.”

A peaceful protest will take place at 08:30 on Thursday (08/08) outside the Magistrate’s Court before his appearance.

“The support we received in the first bail application had a major impact on the outcome that the bail was denied, we believe that if we stand together once again the same thing would happen.”

OFM News/Casey-Lee Anthony dg

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