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North West political parties urged to unite for people

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 15:28 Fri, 26 Jul 2024

North West political parties urged to unite for people | News Article
Speaker of the North West Legislature during tabling of the Budget Vote. Photo: Facebook.

“You all come with your manifestos and political mandates, but what brings us together is the people of North West. We owe it to them.”

The speaker of the North West legislature has called on political parties to prioritise the needs of the people over their political manifestos and differences.

Speaking during the budget votes held at the legislature headquarters, Desbo Mohono emphasised that her main priority during her term will be to serve the people of North West with integrity.

Mohono highlighted that the legislature would address issues raised during the tabling of her budget vote. One critical area she promised to tackle is the backlog of public petitions.

‘No political party would feel inferior or superior during her term’

“It cannot be correct that members of the public give us petitions, and they stay forever without a response. When I started with honourable members, I said my door is open every day to everybody. I must be a speaker to everybody, not just to the political party that deployed me,” Mohono said.

She urged all political parties to unite for the common good of the North West’s citizens. “You all come with your manifestos and political mandates, but what brings us together is the people of North West. We owe it to them.”

Mohono assured no political party would feel inferior or superior during her term. She underscored the importance of education, stating her commitment to ensuring that legislative members also pursue further education to bring professionalism to policy-making.

North West provincial legislature headquarters. Photo: Facebook.

“You must add value to this legislature. How do you add value? I came into this legislature as a teacher with my Honours; I’m going to leave this legislature being a doctor.

“I can’t be selfish and leave others behind. “That’s very clear in this legislature—we are all going to ensure that we go and study,” she said.

Mohono also stressed that members of the legislature would engage with MECs robustly but respectfully, with an expectation of mutual respect from the exco. She said all those doing wrong will be held accountable without fear or favour.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi mvh

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