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Stay safe at rugby test in Bloemfontein

───   HEIDRÈ MALGAS 11:43 Fri, 19 Jul 2024

Stay safe at rugby test in Bloemfontein | News Article
Castle deck at the Toyota Stadium in Bloemfontein. Photo: Facebook/Cheetah's rugby

“Arrange alternative transport – a designated driver, ride-share, taxi, or public transit.”

The much-anticipated test between the Rugby World Champions the Springboks and Portugal on Saturday (20/7) has everyone excited to go to the stadium or places to watch the match.

But how can you stay safe while supporting your team? Follow these tips from the police If you are planning on drinking:

  • Don’t overindulge 
  • Know your limits
  • If you plan to drink, get home safely 
  • Arrange alternative transport – a designated driver, ride-share, taxi, or public transit 
  • Do not take chances rather stay where you are until you have sobered up, or arranged for alternative transport 
  • Never leave your drink unattended 
  • Don’t accept drinks from strangers because they can spike your drink. 

‘Don’t drink and drive’

Even after what you may think is a “small drink”  you could be over the limit. Don’t drink and drive. Arrive Alive.

Parking and leaving your vehicle unattended in crowded places may become criminals’ playgrounds.

  • Avoid parking your vehicle, where there are no security officers or car guards. 
  • Make sure all the doors, windows, and the boot of your vehicle are closed and properly locked.
  • Always close your windows when driving in the CBD.
  • Do not open your windows for hawkers along the road, or at intersections.
  • When driving, keep the doors locked and your windows closed.
  • Avoid displaying valuables such as a handbag, briefcase, cellphone, or laptop bag in full view on the seats, rather lock it in the boot of your vehicle.
  • Become familiar with your route before embarking on your trip; and
  • Always be vigilant, and observe the area, if you notice something suspicious when parking your vehicle, report it to centre management or security.

Never have your valuable items on display in your vehicle.

  • Avoid leaving valuables, even loose change, inside your vehicle where a passerby can see them.
  •  What YOU see isn’t necessarily what a THIEF sees: YOU see a few coins – a THIEF sees an opportunity. If you must leave valuables in your vehicle – lock them in the car boot before arriving at your destination.
  • Lock your doors at all times, even while driving, and make sure all windows are up when leaving your vehicle; and
  • Look around. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in parking lots and petrol stations, and park in well-lit areas.

A rugby stadium full of people with cellphones makes it easier for pick picketers.

  • Always stay in a group especially if you have been drinking;
  • Hold on to your handbag or valuables where thieves can't spot them.
  • When walking to the bathroom, leave your valuables with someone you trust and only take what’s needed.

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