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Ficksburg man expected in court for attempted rape; illegal immigrants arrested

───   ZENANDE MPAME 10:31 Sun, 23 Jun 2024

Ficksburg man expected in court for attempted rape; illegal immigrants arrested | News Article
The samplers of gold bearing material, dump truck operators, mechanics and excavator operators, who were out on a farm, were asked to provide legal documents to mine in the area. They could not provide the required documentation to mine legally. Photo: Facebook

“The suspect was caught red-handed by the family in his room.”

A 54-year-old man from Meqheleng is expected to appear in the Ficksburg Magistrate’s Court on Monday (24/6) for a charge of attempted rape.

He was arrested on Thursday (20/6) for the alleged attempted rape of a girl (8). He reportedly sent the young girl to a nearby shop to buy him cigarettes and a box of matches at about 18:00.

‘The family went searching for her at the neighbour's house’

The family started to worry when their daughter did not come home. Usually, she comes straight home after being sent to the shop, but this time she did not.

“The family went searching for her at the neighbour's house and when they got there, they found both of them naked inside the suspect's room,” said Free State police spokesperson Mmako Mophiring.

“The girl told her family what happened and the matter was reported to the police, a case of attempted rape is being investigated.”

“As parents, we have the responsibility to protect our children. Adults should refrain from sending minor children to shops to buy things like cigarettes or alcohol. It's also against the law to sell minors cigarettes or liquor at their age,” Mophiring said.

Meanwhile, through Operation Vala Umgodi in the province, eight suspects are expected to appear in the Viljoenskroon and Welkom Magistrates’ Courts respectively on Monday (24/6).

The eight illegal immigrants from Lesotho, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe were arrested for illegal mining, trespassing, conspiracy to commit a crime, possession of suspected gold-bearing material, possession of suspected stolen properties, and illegal immigration.

From Thursday (20/6) till Sunday (23/6), 14 vehicle checkpoints (VCPs), 62 stop and searches, 127 people, and 46 vehicles, were searched. Eleven bush foot patrols were conducted, 13 mines, two power stations, and 13 malls were visited seven times, and six ATMs were visited during the joint venture to deal with illegal mining and immigration in Welkom, Thabong, and the Kopanong mine at Vierfontein.

OFM News/Zenande Mpame cg

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