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#OFMElectionWatch: Northern Cape voters frustrated over conditions at voting stations

───   HEIDRÈ MALGAS 12:26 Wed, 29 May 2024

#OFMElectionWatch: Northern Cape voters frustrated over conditions at voting stations | News Article
Voters queueing in Roodepan, Northern Cape. Photo: Heidrè Malgas

“Change is the main reason I would encourage people to vote. We are tired of seeing officials making the same mistakes year after year without delivering results.”

Voting is in full swing in the Northern Cape. Voters have been waiting eagerly to make their mark at the 72 voting stations in Sol Plaatje Municipality, with some residents done voting.

Residents in the Roodepan area of Kimberley, at the Roodepan Primary School voting station, are unhappy about the condition of the stations. Many residents mentioned that young people are voting first instead of the elderly, who should rightfully vote before them.

“I would say this is poor planning by the IEC because we have many old people who are on crutches or in wheelchairs and were not visited during the special voting session. Now, they have to stand in queues where there are only two cubicles,” said Roodepan resident Charmaine Rosen.

She added if you want people to vote, there should be proper planning because young people become discouraged when faced with long lines.

“Plan accurately, and consider the elderly, because our elderly have been the most loyal in voting and they motivate our young people,” she said.

Residents have also been complaining about the water and electricity issues in Sol Plaatje. One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said the municipality does not even cut the grass, leading to snakes entering their homes. They had to kill many snakes in the summer and fear for their children. She encourages citizens to vote for this exact reason.

No ramps are provided for the elderly. Residents have to help the elderly up and down the stairs. Photo: Heidrè Malgas

Another voter from Roodepan, Andrew Sithole, said: “Change is the main reason I would encourage people to vote. We are tired of seeing officials making the same mistakes year after year without delivering results. It is very important for people to know and understand that citizens have cries and complaints that need attention.”

The IEC has a team allocated to make a maximum of twenty house visits, with all specially registered voters on the list, according to IEC provincial manager Elkin Topkin.

“If the teams visit a house and the voters are not home, they will make a note in the register indicating that the person was not present, and then move on,” he said. Teams are under strict instructions not to return to houses where voters were absent. “If you applied for a house visit, you are expected to be home.”

Officials at the voting stations are supposed to assist the elderly, disabled, and pregnant women first, ensuring they do not have to stand in the long queues.

OFM News/Heidrè Malgas mvh

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