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ACT leader opens case of common assault against Free State man

───   ZENANDE MPAME 15:37 Tue, 23 Jan 2024

ACT leader opens case of common assault against Free State man | News Article
Ace Magashule. Picture: Wikipedia

“A case of common assault and crimen injuria against a man who alleges he was assaulted by the politician.”

Ace Magashule has opened a case of common assault against a man who claims the politician and his group attacked him in Virginia on Saturday (20/1).

The leader of the African Congress for Transformation (ACT) and former ANC secretary-general and his entourage were handing out T-shirts to a group of locals while on a political campaign in Meloding, Virginia. This was done in a 15-vehicle convoy.

One of the people in the convoy allegedly threw a T-shirt at the man from Virginia, and he threw it back, hitting the ACT president in the face. That’s when he claims Magashule stepped out of the van with his bodyguards and started assaulting him.

“We can confirm a case of common assault was registered against a well-known politician. The complainant sustained injuries to his face and was hospitalised after the incident,” said Free State Police spokesperson Stephen Thakeng.

Magashule started his political party in August last year after he was expelled from the ruling party when he was found guilty of violating its constitution. He said his party is a broad collection of interest groups including freedom fighters, the unemployed, and religious groups.

News24 reports Magashule denied he was present during the commotion. He said the charges against him were political and instigated by the local ANC.

OFM News/Zenande Mpame mc

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