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Boaters warned about water hyacinths on Hartbeespoort dam

───   ZENANDE MPAME 11:20 Wed, 20 Dec 2023

Boaters warned about water hyacinths on Hartbeespoort dam | News Article
Water hyacinth mats currently covers around 30% of the dam. Picture: nsri.org.za

“Under no circumstances should boaters try to navigate through the water hyacinth.”

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) asks boaters not to try to maneuver through the water hyacinth mats at Hartbeespoort Dam. It currently covers almost  30% of the dam.

“The water hyacinth causes a substantial danger to small craft users at Hartbeespoort dam and should never be entered by any craft,” said Hartbeespoort NSRI Station Commander Arthur Crewe.

“Under no circumstances should boaters try to navigate through the water hyacinth. By doing this, they are putting their lives at risk. Rescuing people in boats entrapped by water hyacinth is a complex operation and will not be necessary if people do not enter the water hyacinth mats,” said Crewe.

A rescue team on the way to assist trapped boats. Picture: nsri.org.za

Caxton Network News reports that it took the rescue team five hours on Saturday (16/12) to rescue people on 30 recreational boats. Boats entered when the water hyacinth mats were blown by the wind and they got trapped when they tried to return to the same launch site by navigating through the water hyacinth.

“Boaters should rather phone friends or family to pick them up from a different launch site, instead of trying to navigate through a water hyacinth mat. Those who do enter water hyacinth mats are putting their lives at risk,” said Crewe.

In addition to carrying the usual emergency supplies, boaters on the Hartbeespoort Dam are advised by the NSRI to take extra food, water, space blankets, and warm clothes in case they get stuck in the drifting mats.

OFM News/Zenande Mpame dg

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