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Foreigners close shops, owners run to evade inspection – PHOTO GALLERY

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 11:27 Thu, 09 Nov 2023

Foreigners close shops, owners run to evade inspection – PHOTO GALLERY | News Article
MEC for Community Safety, Roads, and Transport, found stores closed in Thaba Nchu. Photo: Facebook

“Goods discovered in some of the shops were not of high quality and past their expiry date.”

The Free State Government, together with law enforcement agencies, has continued to intensify efforts to curb the selling of expired food and counterfeit products.

This week, Free State MEC for Community Safety, Roads and Transport MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae embarked on a compliance inspection in Thaba Nchu. Two teenagers recently died in Mokwallo after allegedly consuming items bought from a foreign-owned shop at Vredefort.

During the inspection at stores in Thaba Nchu, Letsoha-Mathae emphasised all tuckshops and liquor outlets must comply with the Consumer Protection Act. 

Some foreign shop owners reportedly closed their businesses and ran away to evade inspection. “Goods discovered in some of the shops were not of high quality and past their expiry date,” she said. 

Two foreign nationals were arrested after they were found with fraudulent documents and others are being investigated. Expired foods were confiscated and owners of the stores were issued with fines. Letsoha-Mathae had previously said expired foods and counterfeit goods are costing the country revenue and livelihoods.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi Corné/Daphné

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