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Free State Stadium a reminder of ‘unfulfilled promises, shattered hopes’

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 10:25 Fri, 06 Oct 2023

Free State Stadium a reminder of ‘unfulfilled promises, shattered hopes’ | News Article
The Charles Mopeli Stadium in Qwaqwa, Free State. Photo: Tshehla Koteli

“The stadium now stands as a stark reminder of unfulfilled promises and shattered hopes.”

The dilapidated state of the white elephant stadium based in Qwaqwa, in the Free State, has placed it in the spotlight as millions were spent to build it.

The DA in the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality recently conducted an oversight visit at the Charles Mopeli Stadium and found it to be deteriorating. “Once a symbol of pride and aspiration for the people of the Eastern Free State, the stadium now stands as a stark reminder of unfulfilled promises and shattered hopes,” said the DA’s Moshe Lefuma.

The Charles Mopeli Stadium is in a dilapidated state. Photo supplied 

Lefuma said despite the millions that have been spent by the provincial government, together with the Thabo Mofutsanyane District and Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipalities on upgrades, the stadium remains dilapidated. 

Millions have allegedly been spent on the upgrades of the stadium, including R14 million in the first phase and an additional R26 million has been allocated for the second phase.

One of the companies entrusted with improving the state of the stadium to its former glory has allegedly abandoned work, citing financial constraints after delivering substandard work.

 “During our oversight, we found no evidence of upgrades or refurbishments. The pitch is non-functional, and the toilets, furniture, and every aspect of the stadium have fallen into disrepair.”

The Charles Mopeli Stadium's state in 2022. Photo: Tshehla Koteli 

Inquiries to establish when the upgrades will take place when they will be completed, and who the companies are entrusted with this project have been sent to the Provincial Government, the Department of Sport, Art, Culture and Recreation, the Thabo Mofutsanyane District and Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipalities.    

In 2022, OFM News embarked on a journey to figure out how much the Department of Sport spent on building stadiums within the province in the past decade and who is in charge of maintaining them. The departmental spokesperson, Tankiso Zola, said four stadiums were built and it cost at least R500 million. The maintenance is the responsibility of the municipalities the stadiums fall under.

The Charles Mopeli Stadium in 2022. Photo: Tshehla Koteli

Zooming in on the Charles Mopeli Stadium, it cost the department R36 220 494. At that time, Thabo Kessah, the spokesperson for Maluti-a-Phofung, said the municipality allocates an annual budget of R1 400 000 for maintaining its facilities. He also mentioned the stadium is used every week unless it's undergoing maintenance. When asked about which other stadiums the municipality has invested money in, he provided the following information:

  • Phuthaditjhaba Stadium underwent upgrades for R27 million.
  • Charles Mopeli Stadium received upgrades totalling R12 million, following a recommendation from the Professional Soccer League (PSL) around 2016/17.
  • Intabazwe Stadium was newly constructed for R27 million.
  • Bluegumbosch Stadium underwent renovations costing R10 million.

OFM News/Tshehla Koteli

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