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Another Free State municipality fails to pay workers

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 15:25 Tue, 03 Oct 2023

Another Free State municipality fails to pay workers | News Article
Matjhabeng call centre neglected, Photo: DA Matjhabeng facebook page

"The inability of the Matjhabeng Mayor to come up with solutions after stopping the overtime payments has led to the dire situation which has had a major impact on the community."

Workers of the ailing Welkom-based Matjhabeng Local Municipality are on a go slow due to the alleged non-payment of salaries for September.

DA caucus head in Matjhabeng, Igor Scheurkogel, said workers have persisted with their refusal to report for duty until they receive their salaries. This after Matjhabeng did not keep their promise to pay workers, as agreed with the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) on Friday (29/9).

The Theunissen-based Masilonyana Municipality had earlier sent notice to workers that they would not be paying salaries following financial constraints. In a leaked document of a communique from the municipal manager, workers were informed to expect salaries to be paid on Thursday (5/10).

  Matjhabeng workers during protests in 2022. Photo: OFM News

Matjhabeng released a statement on Saturday (30/9) informing residents to expect water disruptions at certain parts of Welkom due to water challenges experienced by the technical team, as a result of water leaks which were not attended to.

An ongoing go-slow led to challenge, as well as a worker's strike on Friday (29/9). Scheurkogel told OFM News workers are yet to return to work as talks are still taking place between the municipality and SAMWU.

A leak in front of 190 Koppie Alleen Street. Photo supplied

He said Koppie Alleen Street has been without water for the past eight days as residents decided to close their water meters due to unattended leakages. Scheurkogel said the inability of the Matjhabeng Mayor to come up with solutions after stopping the overtime payments has led to a dire situation which has had a major impact on the community.

A spokesperson for Matjhabeng, Tshidiso Tlali, disputed claims that workers have not received salaries and said all workers were paid their salaries on time.

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