Central SA
Free State municipality supports Home Affairs in issuing IDs─── 13:45 Mon, 11 Sep 2023

Some residents found their names have been used to commit crimes while others are identified as married to people who they don't even know.
Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality in the Free State has issued ID cards and books to the residents of Intabazwe, Harrismith.
Access to the government's services requires anyone to have an ID, said Thabo Mofutsanyana marketing and communication manager Mamogolo Moshogi.
Executive Mayor Connie Msibi, together with Free State Speaker Ntombi Sefuba, found it essential to assist the residents who are incapable of collecting their IDs from the Department of Home Affairs.
The Speaker of the Free State Legislature handed out blankets to the elderly in Intabazwe. This programme was preceded by Identity Documents handed to communities, which have been uncollected from the Home Affairs Department. Picture supplied
Moshogi said residents, particularly those who live on farms, found it difficult to collect their IDs, making it hard to find employment and access government services.
Some residents meanwhile found their names have been used to commit crimes while others are identified as married to people who they don't even know. “So with this programme, we surely believe it will help them a lot since they are unable to collect their identities from the department.”
The programme was launched previously by the Free State Legislature Speaker.