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Urgent intervention needed in Free State Health facilities

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 12:14 Mon, 04 Sep 2023

Urgent intervention needed in Free State Health facilities | News Article
Patients waiting to get assisted in FS Health failities, Photo: Screengrab

"The Free State is performing worse on waiting times across all provinces monitored by Ritshidze."

The latest report released by Ritshidze showed the need for urgent intervention in Free State health facilities.

The third edition of the State of Health report compared the data collected over the past three years of community-led monitoring in the province. Findings after inspections at several hospitals and clinics showed patients complained about the shortage of medical staff and waiting in line for hours to receive services.

Patients complained about waiting in line for hours. Picture supplied

“On average, people still spend five hours and 27 minutes waiting at a facility and the average waiting time was over 4 hours at 86% of facilities monitored, even exceeding six to seven hours at some. Too many people still spend many hours waiting at each visit, which is a major source of dissatisfaction. 80% of people reported long waiting times,” said Risthidze's Project Coordinator Ndivhuwo Rambau.

61% of patients blamed disorganised filing systems for the long waiting hours. Picture supplied

She added 41% of patients at Free State health facilities blamed long waiting hours at health facilities on a shortage of staff, while 47% blamed staff not working or working slowly, and 61% blamed disorganised filing systems.

“The Free State is performing the worst with regards to waiting times across all provinces monitored by Ritshidze. The average earliest arrival time is marginally earlier – 05:30 in the morning last year to about 05:27 this year.”

Safety is a concern for those who wait in line for the facilities to open. Picture supplied

Rambau said some people still queue early in the morning in an attempt to get served quicker. She said of 604 people who arrived before the facilities opened, 30% raised concern regarding their safety while they waited for the facilities to open.

An inquiry has been sent to the Free State Department of Health.

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