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Wildfires continue to damage property in Free State

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 09:38 Mon, 04 Sep 2023

Wildfires continue to damage property in Free State | News Article
Building at Clarens gutted by fire. Photo supplied

Breytenbach said today’s weather conditions are expected to remain similar to those experienced on Sunday and flare-ups along containment lines are highly likely to occur throughout the day.

On Sunday (3/9), the Free State once again experienced an extremely high rating on the Fire Danger Index, with high temperatures, low humidity and winds gusting up to 60km/h for large parts of the day. Johann Savage Breytenbach from the Free State Umbrella Fire Protection Association reported that large wildfires occurred in Smithfield, Steynsrus, Clarens, Senekal, and Ventersburg.

During the fires, a building located at Clarens was gutted by fire. Breytenbach said the Ventersburg fire covered a distance of more than 30km from its point of origin, impacting the N5 between Senekal and Winburg. 

Late in the afternoon, the fire crossed through the Willem Pretorius Nature Reserve and was contained. Breytenbach added the fire crews were forced to withdraw at night due to dangerous conditions. At the time, the fire was still burning in steep, broken terrain.

He said today’s weather conditions are expected to remain similar to those experienced on Sunday and flare-ups along containment lines are highly likely to occur throughout the day.

The SPCA team in Bloemfontein went to Ventersburg and Smithfield to inspect and assist with livestock during the fires.

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