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Free State police officers arrested for corruption, extortion and kidnapping

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 15:09 Fri, 11 Aug 2023

Free State police officers arrested for corruption, extortion and kidnapping | News Article

Two police officers have been arrested for corruption, extortion and kidnapping in Bloemfontein.

The two constables were arrested this morning after the Director of Public Prosecution decided to prosecute them for an incident that took place in July this year. It’s understood the two constables arrested a foreign national on 7 July 2023 and demanded money from a friend to release him.

Free State police spokesperson, Loraine Earle, said the Anti-Corruption Unit was informed about the matter. The friend, who is the complainant in the case, was given the money and kept under observation. The suspects allegedly called the friend from the arrested person’s cellphone to tell him they would come for their money.

She said the two constables arrived at the shop of the complainant, spoke to him, and then left with the money. A police vehicle was stopped by members of the Anti-Corruption Unit and a person was found at the back of the police bakkie.

“The docket was sent to the Director of Public Prosecution for a decision and members were arrested. The duo, aged 32 and 34, appeared in the Bloemfontein Magistrate Court today and will remain in custody by order of the Magistrate until Monday 14 August 2023 for legal representation and bail applications.”   

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