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Welkom housing project not even near completion

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 10:15 Mon, 07 Aug 2023

Welkom housing project not even near completion | News Article
A project in Welkom, worth over R400 million, is not close to completion following years in construction. Photo: Supplied

Nearly R400 million was spent on a housing project in Welkom, Free State, but it's not even near completion following years of construction.

Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubuyi, said the two projects have been left incomplete after hundreds of millions of rands were paid. 

She said this during her oversight visit alongside Free State Premier Mxolisi Dukwana.

Two projects have been left incomplete after hundreds of millions of rands were paid. Photo supplied.

Minister Kubayi said such matters would be looked into, and added that she would not allow the exclusion of female contractors before they are even afforded opportunities. 

Kubayi has since appealed to the provincial Department of Cooperative Governance (Cogta) to speedily attend to it.

“This is completely unacceptable and I am going to speak to Adv. Andy Mothibi of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to look into this matter. Projects have been left incomplete, yet contractors were paid. I am the Minister of Human Settlements, not Incomplete Projects,” Kubayi said.

Minister Kubayi said matters will be looked into. Photo: Supplied

Meanwhile, Premier Dukwana told Kubayi that heads will roll and those responsible will be held accountable.

She also raised and slammed issues such as a lack of support for women contractors, delayed payments for work completed, and government officials demanding bribes.

“It wasn’t until a visit to Bronville and Thabong that Minister Kubayi and Premier Dukwana saw first-hand the extent of the shoddy work,” she said.

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