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Northern Cape government calls for flood assistance in Namaqualand

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 09:27 Fri, 07 Jul 2023

Northern Cape government calls for flood assistance in Namaqualand | News Article
The organisation Gift of the Givers is providing humanitarian relief to the community. Photo: Facebook

The Northern Cape government has called on various stakeholders to join hands in aiding the disaster stricken Buffelsrivier area in the Nama Khoi Local Municipality.

Five people went missing after heavy rain and floods in Namaqualand on Saturday (1/7). 

Four bodies were recovered and one remains missing after the disaster management team was deployed in the area. 

On Monday (3/7), a disaster was declared in the Namaqualand district. The Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC in the Northern Cape, Bentley Vass, said the state of disaster was due to extensive damage the flooding had caused in the area. After declaring a state of disaster in the affected area, Vass said the district municipality declared that existing resources and legislation at their disposal are insufficient to deal with disasters and therefore called on different stakeholders to assist.  

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“This disaster has left many locals stranded and unable to access many facilities, food suppliers and some homes are flooded. We have not estimated the total cost of the disaster but immediate areas of intervention have been identified as humanitarian social relief, repair of infrastructure, and repair to damaged houses,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Vass conveyed condolences to families who lost their loved ones during the disaster and pledged that the government will continue to provide support to the family of Riaan Cloete who remains missing. 

He further pledged that the provincial government, the National Department of Social Development, the South African National Defence Force, the Red Cross, as well as Gift of the Givers will continue to provide support to the district to ensure that humanitarian relief reaches affected communities.

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