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North West premier sent condolences to family of late Essop Pahad

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 13:46 Thu, 06 Jul 2023

North West premier sent condolences to family of late Essop Pahad | News Article
Former minister Essop Pahad. Photo: Supplied

The North West Premier has sent his heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the late former minister and struggle icon Essop Pahad.

Acting Premier Nono Maloyi says Pahad had an illustrious career as an academic, activist, and politician. Pahad was born on 21 June 1939 in Schweizer-Reneke in North West. He served as the Parliamentary Counsellor and Minister in the Presidency during the tenure of former President Thabo Mbeki. Maloyi said Pahad belonged to a cohort of selfless leaders who dedicated their lives to the struggle for liberation. Pahad passed on this morning at the age of 84 and in terms of his Muslim religion, he should be buried today.

“He was unflinching in his pursuit for a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, and prosperous South Africa. A committed activist and patriot who championed the socio-economic rights of the poor and economically marginalised."

Maloyi said the province will take guidance from the Presidency and the Pahad family on arrangements for the send-off of this gallant hero.

Meanwhile, President Cyril Ramaphosa has also sent his condolences to the families of Pahad.

“We mourn the passing of a veteran of our struggle, 65 years after he took his first revolutionary step of becoming a member of the Transvaal Indian Congress.

“Security crackdowns, banning and exile shaped Essop Pahad’s contribution over decades to our struggle and, as Parliamentary Counsellor to President Thabo Mbeki and Minister in the Presidency, to the early design and impact of our democratic state.

Ramaphpsa has described Pahad as a thinker and strategist who brought his understanding of the human condition, injustice, and inequality at the national and international level to bear on our transition to democracy and introducing a democratic, non-aligned, and activist South Africa to the global community.

“He served our nation with pride, principle, pragmatism, and a charm that lived comfortably alongside a tongue that could lash severely at the right provocation.

“Amid the excessive demands of his public life, Essop Pahad was deeply devoted to his wife, Meg, and was a proud father and grandfather, who is now sorely missed. May his soul rest in peace," President Ramaphosa said.

Acting President Paul Mashatile is today expected to deliver a eulogy.  

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