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Maselspoort: Two accused of racial attacks back in court

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 09:02 Mon, 03 Jul 2023

Maselspoort: Two accused of racial attacks back in court | News Article
The parent of one of the victims told the police his two boys were assaulted by a group of white men over the usage of a swimming pool. Photo: EFF Twitter

Two of the three men who are accused of racist attacks at Maselspoort are expected to re-appear before the Bloemfontein Magistrate's Court on Monday.

A case against Jakobus Klaasen and Johan Nel was previously postponed to 3 July 2023 for consultation. While Stephanus van der Westhuizen (47) had pleaded guilty to a charge of common assault and was sentenced to a fine of R4 000 or 12 months imprisonment.

The three men made headlines after a video went viral on Christmas Day last year after allegations that there is a swimming pool at Maselspoort reserved for white people only. When the police arrived, the groups had already dispersed. 

The parent of one of the victims told the police his two boys, aged 18 and 13, were assaulted by a group of white men over the usage of a swimming pool.

ALSO READ: Maselspoort alleged racial attacker sentenced

The Free State National Prosecuting Authority's spokesperson, Phaladi Shuping, had previously stated that Van der Westhuizen apologised to the children and their father, who accepted his apology. He also apologised to the South African public.

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