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SANBS blood stock levels are critically low

───   ZENANDE MPAME 11:11 Thu, 08 Jun 2023

SANBS blood stock levels are critically low | News Article
The SANBS is facing a serious blood shortage and are urgently appealing to people to donate.

The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) encourages people to go to their local donation centres and provide life-saving blood.

The present weather conditions have resulted in serious blood supply shortages.

The blood service urgently requests contributions from future and current blood donors as they must collect 3 500 units of blood daily.

“Blood stock levels are critically low and the SANBS urgently calls on South Africans to give blood to help meet the heightened demand,” said Thandi Mosupye, SANBS Communication, Marketing, and Brand Senior Manager.

The scarce blood supply severely impacts patients who depend on life-saving blood transfusions.

“Whenever our blood stock levels are less than three days’ worth, it places lives at risk. Blood is needed for haemorrhaging mothers during childbirth, newborn babies, accident victims, and thousands of other patients in need of blood.”

To guarantee a consistent blood supply for needy patients, the SANBS must maintain a blood stock level of 5 days for each blood group.

Blood donation centres in Bloemfontein can be found at Westdene, Bloem Plaza, Fichardt Park, and the Southern Centre.

To become a blood donor, you must:

•Be between the ages of 16 and 75 years

•Weigh 50kg or more

•Be in good health

•Lead a healthy lifestyle

•Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient 

•Commit to donating blood regularly

Every blood donation gives patients another chance to be with their loved ones.

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