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Water-shedding woes continue in Matjhabeng

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 12:02 Mon, 05 Jun 2023

Water-shedding woes continue in Matjhabeng | News Article
A water tanker in Matjhabeng. PHOTO: Igor Scheurkogel

Residents of the Matjhabeng Local Municipality in the Free State are frustrated as water-shedding is set to continue in Welkom.

OFM News previously reported that residents of Welkom have been without water for days. The municipality explains in a statement that the pump in Balkfontein has tripped and electricians are working around the clock to attend to the problem. 

This morning, Matjhabeng spokesperson, Tshediso Tlali, told OFM News that Bloem Water has informed the municipality their Instrumentation and IT team are working together to address the KSB pump trip and they will issue an update as soon as they are done. 

He says the new level for Riebeeckstad is at 19% and pumps will be able to run soon. The water-shedding team found the G42 and Kutlwanong valves opened this morning, making it difficult to evenly distribute water. He says the situation is being attended to by technicians.

The municipality has since dispatched nine water tankers as a contingency plan to assist affected areas. Tlali has requested residents to be patient. He says the ward councillors are also assisting officials tasked with implementing the plan to identify affected communities.

ALSO READ: Residents of Free State City queue for water

Recently, a video was posted on social media depicting residents who are in a queue with water containers. One social media user commented that it is at Oppenheimer Park.

In a letter dated 23 May, from the bulk water supplier, Bloem Water, the Chief Executive, Limakatso Moorosi, explained that the area will be without water due to a pipe leak that needs to be repaired. The letter detailed that Welkom will be without water from 31 May to 2 June. The leak was detected on 22 May at the Balkfontein Water Treatment Works. The letter read: “The operations and maintenance team needs to attend to the leak on 31 May and therefore request a total shutdown for 36 hours to allow for repairs to take place.”

ALSO READ: Water shedding leads to violent protests in small Free State Town

Matjhabeng has recently been in the spotlight over issues of water. Recently Ventersburg was brought to a standstill after angry residents of Mmamahabane walked to the municipal offices to demand water.

Reports had revealed that out of 11 treatment plants, only 3 are working in Matjhabeng, and of the 56 pump stations in the municipality, only 4 are working. The council declared Matjhabeng a disaster and sought assistance from the Ministry of Water and Sanitation. 

DA Member of Parliament and delegate to the National Council of Provinces for the Free State, George Michalakis, had claimed that 60% of water meant for household usage is lost every day due to failing infrastructure.

ALSO READ: Free State Municipality to account for sewerage challenges

Mayor Thanduxolo Khalipha told OFM News the municipality received R520 million from the national government to fix infrastructure.

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