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Another postponement for opening of Bloemfontein bridge

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 11:21 Mon, 15 May 2023

Another postponement for opening of Bloemfontein bridge | News Article
PHOTO: Bloemfontein Courant

The Mangaung Metro Municipality has once again missed a deadline set by themselves for opening the Vereeniging Bridge and Road.

This follows after the road was under construction for at least two years with the aim of connecting the southern parts of Bloemfontein and Oliver Tambo Road directly. The road was initially supposed to be opened on Friday 13 May 2023, but it was postponed due to logistics as explained by the metro’s spokesperson, Qondile Khedama.

ALSO READ: D-Day for opening of Bloemfontein bridge and road

On Saturday, 14 May 2023, the acting Mayor of the Metro, Gregory Nthatisi, said the road and bridge will be opened before Friday 19 May 2033. He explained that the road and bridge can’t be opened as yet because they still need to ensure that the road is up to a good standard for the usage of people. “Today we will be doing a walkabout to ensure that the bridge is of good quality, as we need to hand it over to the rightful owners, which is the people of the metro,” he added.

Nthatisi also acknowledged the petitions which had been signed by many of Mangaung residents demanding the road to be opened. He said he understands how the businesses have been affected by the construction of this road but it was to ensure that there’s easy movement around the city, as now the road and bridge will directly connect the southern parts of Bloemfontein to Oliver Tambo Road.

ALSO READ: Petition calls for MMM to open road, bridge in Bfn

He said the metro has had its own hiccups in completing the construction and also the weather wasn’t making it easy to complete the road.

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