Central SA
Newborn baby found in skip bin─── TSHEHLA KOTELI 16:43 Wed, 19 Apr 2023
A deceased newborn baby boy has been found in a skip bin in Savanna City, Midvaal, in Gauteng.
The discovery of the body was made by a collector of plastic bottles for recycling purposes. Ward councillor, Lillian Kolisang, says upon her arrival, she called the relevant authorities to assist in the matter. When members of the Emergency Services (EMS) arrived, they confirmed the body inside the black plastic bag was of a newborn baby boy, and the umbilical cord was still attached.
“What has been done to the newborn is inhumane, it is unclear how long the body has been there and during the day we had to wait for hours for the EMS, police, and Forensics while the body was still in the bin,” she added.
The body was found on Monday 18 April 2023. It is suspected that the person who left the newborn in the bin is someone from Savanna City, the Bonded pocket 4 side.
“The police were informed about this suspicion as a trail of blood drops were seen by some resident members at parts of Bonded pocket 5 and 6 side,” says Kolisang.
She went to the area where it was alleged that there were blood drops, and she alleged that when she got to the area, she did indeed find the blood drops. “The police say they will investigate on the suspicion, but I am not aware if it has been done. But I believe if they followed the trail of blood, it would have led them somewhere,” she added.
Kolisang said that she is not sure if the trail of blood comes from the possible mother of the newborn, or whether it comes from the dripping of the plastic bag. She has requested that anyone with information come forward with the intention to help the mother of the child, as she believes what she has gone through is traumatic.
Kolisang pleaded with women not to dump or kill the babies if they are not ready. “There is a drop-off box where you can leave your baby after birth, or inform the nurses of the hospital you are giving birth and that you do not intend to raise the child, and your baby will be kept safe until they can find a suitable home,” she said.
Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC), Thembi Modiba, is appealing to the mother of the newborn to get in contact with her, Kolisang or the police for counselling because what she (the mother of the newborn) has gone through is not normal. She appeals to young women to make use of baby drop-off facilities that have been made available in the area. “If a female feels she is old enough to engage in sexual activities but doesn’t want a child, she must go to a local clinic and get contraceptives.
Suppose she finds herself in a situation where she is already pregnant, and she does not want to keep the child – during her monthly checkups in the early stages of the pregnancy. In that case, she must indicate that she finds herself in a situation where she does not want to keep the baby. Social Services will be involved and they will come up with legal solutions to follow,” said Modiba.
OFM News is awaiting a response from the police in De Deur.