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Police vehicles damaged as Phomolong tension rises

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 11:39 Wed, 12 Apr 2023

Police vehicles damaged as Phomolong tension rises | News Article
PHOTO: Facebook

Tension has continued to rise in Phomolong, Hennenman as residents continue to express their frustrations over service delivery issues.

OFM News earlier reported that angry residents barricaded the roads with stones, trees, rubbish, and burning tyres on Tuesday. 

Police spokesperson in the Free State, Stephen Thakeng, said 20 people have been arrested so far. They are facing charges of public violence. Thakeng said residents also damaged police vehicles with stones. They had to use stun grenades and rubber bullets to disperse the violent crowds.

“Nineteen males and one female were arrested. They will appear tomorrow in the Hennenman Magistrate's Court,” he said.

The situation is now calm as Members of the Public Order Policing and Crime Intelligence are monitoring the situation to maintain law and order. Schools were also disrupted this morning.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi

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