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Shortage of general workers in Kimberley hamper service delivery

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:25 Fri, 07 Apr 2023

Shortage of general workers in Kimberley hamper service delivery | News Article
PHOTO: Elsabé Richard-May/OFM News.

The shortage of general workers at the Sol Plaatje Local Municipality in Kimberley affects the quality of service delivery.

Samwu's Nomathamsanqa Banda said workers went on a go-slow because they are under pressure due to the shortage. 

Allegedly workers don’t get paid overtime in full. 

ALSO READ: Sol Plaatje municipality finally attends to old water infrastructure

The workers are supposed to deal with waste removal and sewage spillages. “Every time the employees’ overtime is paid, it isn’t paid according to our agreement with the municipality,” said Banda.

The lack of resources for workers to perform their duties further hinders service delivery. “The issue of trucks is a big one because we only have them for a certain length of time before they break down,” she added.

The union believed the municipality did not employ enough general workers. Neither did it fix the trucks or provide the necessary resources.

Thoko Riet, Sol Plaatje spokesperson, said the municipality is working on the issues raised by the union, especially employing more general workers. “We find that some positions have not been filled for a while, some people have retired, resigned, or [are] deceased.”

‘At least R2 billion will be spent to deal with water infrastructure challenges’

Riet said management would prioritise filling the positions as the vacancies affect service delivery. “The issue of fleet is also being looked into, and it will be prioritised in the new/current financial year because we are sitting with old fleet.”

At least R2 billion will be spent to deal with water infrastructure challenges in the Kimberley-based municipality, Mayor Kagisho Sonyoni said in a statement.

In recent years, the municipality has experienced unprecedented water interruptions due to old infrastructure.

Sonyoni said over the years it had become evident that the budget to maintain, repair or refurbish the aged water infrastructure was inadequate. During the past two years, the municipality had sought additional funding to upgrade the aged water infrastructure and solve ongoing water disruptions and improve water quality.

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