Central SA
Sol Plaatje residents without power─── KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 12:55 Wed, 22 Mar 2023

Residents of the Sol Plaatje Local Municipality have entered a second day without electricity.
On Tuesday 21 March 2023, the municipal spokesperson Thoko Riet stated that the HT end that feeds the Rosa mini substation in Galeshewe was damaged due to a storm. This resulted in power cuts in parts of Galeshewe, Roodepan and Homelite. Riet added that the municipality is still busy with repairs in areas affected by yesterday’s storm.
She says areas such as Plaatfontein, Retswelele and 5 April Park still remain without electricity. While Roodepan has a low voltage which electricians are working on, the power supply in Riviera and Carters Glen is back on.
Riet further says an update will be issued to residents, should the municipality encounters any challenges.